Bill 23 takes away our…

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Bill 23 takes away our democratic rights! It does not allow for experts in planning, wildlife management, watershed management to provide input and it eliminates control of planning departments in various municipalities!
In my municipality of Caledon there is significant impact - impact that affect the natural and human ecosystems forever.

Owning a home is NOT the outcome of Bill 23. Paying the developers is NOT what an elected public servant or political party should be allowed to organize.

1. Take back control of planning housing - let the municipalities control.

2 demand proportional representation at all levels of government so that everyone wins!

3. Make it illegal (fine or add a non voters tax) to not vote.

4. Create affordable houses by increasing minimum wage to a living wage.

5. Make is illegal to change agricultural land without an environmental assessment.

6. Demand that all homes built are carbon neutral now.

7. Any new homes built (or rebuilt from tear downs) meet needs of all - allow for small homes (less than 1000sq ‘), create aging in place neighbourhood , allow infrastructure first before homes (transportation, water and waste, education, health (natural areas in communities) and hospitals.

8. Include citizenship and sustainability education in all public school curriculum .

9. Create not for profit long term care on lands that are in greenbelt .

10. Have a long term vision for the health and wellness of the lands that were First Nations (all of it). 7 generations - not 4 year voting term!

11. Encourage development and employment in communities away from the current greenbelt! Ontario is a very large province.