To whom it may concern, I am…

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To whom it may concern,

I am writing to you regarding the changes to the greenbelt plan. I am a 20 year resident of Toronto ON and even though the changes are not to land within the Toronto boundaries, I am very concerned about removing land from the greenbelt for development.

One of purposes of the greenbelt is to save us and our future generations from the ever concerning changes to climate. The land is close to major city areas for this reason. If we continue to remove land from the southern regions for the greenbelt, we are reducing one of the key benefits of it.

Even though the govt is promising to replace the land and increase the size of the greenbelt. It will be further away from this city centres. Also this exchange opens up the possibility of future changes to the greenbelt plan.

I am a strong advocate of affordable housing. With the current changes to interest rate, home prices have come down. However affordability is still out of reach for many residents. Both in the rental market and in buying. Removing land from the greenbelt to create affordable housing is a stretch. If the government was willing, there is plenty of ways to increase housing in the province without taking away land that our future generations will depend on to exist.

There are responsible ways to increase density in cities and towns. Robbing from our future to make urban sprawl and developers wealthy is something that we can reverse. This decision is immense. A moment in time when we can send a clear message that as a province we side with future generations and their health and well-being.