We are opposed to the…

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We are opposed to the removal of any lands from the greenbelt based on the fact that the government of Ontario has 88,000 acres already approved for development. We need our farmland and wetlands and greenbelt to be preserved so as to protect biodiversity, food stability and eco systems that are integral to our survival on this planet we call home. You cannot allow this to take place and certainly cannot allow removal of lands in Niagara/Hamilton. Hamilton has fought to be a good steward of their land and have a plan in place to meet housing targets without the removal of the lands on Maps 9, 10, 11,11. Hamilton has fought hard to meet the needs of its residents and addressed significant social justice issues in ways that affirm people's dignity and autonomy. There is no need to take away their duty to protect the greenbelt when they have a plan in place to meet the housing targets and provide affordable housing to people. If you go through with this draconian legislation this will be your legacy– you will be remembered by the majority of the province as the government who destroyed wildlife, appropriated farmland, and dismantled the greenbelt all under the guise of housing and development. You have been elected by the people to represent us. You have seen across the province from the bottom up to the political realm and across sectors that this is not the will of the people. This is not about housing– this is a money grab that benefits only a few and for what – a very superficial, selfish and entitled way of living and being in the world. I care so deeply about this land and the wildlife whose home you will be utterly destroying when there are other ways to provide sustainable housing to the people who really need it. Do not let this be your legacy.