This family is 100% against…

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This family is 100% against the removal of land from the green belt in order to provide areas of development. This land must be maintained for agriculture, wildlife, environmental protection and people's recreation.

Doug Ford promised the people of Ontario to leave the green belt alone, after an uproar was created the last time he tried to do this. The fact that developers bought much of this land so recently and after this promise was made, shows the amount of power these corporations hold over the provincial government. They are huge donors to the Conservative Party and unscrupulous deals have obviously been made in return for the ability to purchase and develop these areas.

Of course more housing is needed, including affordable housing. It is time for new and creative ideas to emerge, to think with experts outside of the box and not simply repeat the sprawl of ugly squished housing that we see today. To use environmentally important land to continue this lunacy is 100% wrong.

Please do not allow this to happen. Thank you.