I am a very concerned…

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I am a very concerned citizen living in Hamilton, outraged at Bill 23 opening lands to developers for housing. Doug Ford promised NOT to touch our Greenbelt. At issue:

1) The types of homes being built will NOT address the affordable housing issues
2) There is already land available within the existing boundries to build more housing, apartments and affordable units. We DON'T need to expand into the Greenbelt and destroy wetlands
3) Reduction of developer charges will not provide the funding needed for the infastructure required for water, sewage, roads, transit, and the list goes on. As a citizen in a city already rated as one of the highest for taxes, I don't agree to pay more taxes to fund this disasterous project
4) Some areas of planned expansion lay low, which would require upward pumping of sewage/water lines at an astronomical cost
5) If we are going to develop on farmland, where is the food going to be grown for all these additional people coming to the area? With the devastating storms and destruction of crops all over the world, importing food will become more and more difficult, quality will be significantly reduced, and cost will rise above affordability for many people
6) Of extreme importance is the protection of wildlife, birds and insects. They are critcally vital to the sustainability of our ecosystems and environment. Building homes in the greenbelt areas will be devastating to many species
7) Recently, it has been announced that housing prices have in the Hamilton area and there are more houses available on the market than there were a year ago

I BEG of you to stop the insantiy of Bill 23 and protect not only the lands, but our FUTURE for generations to come!

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