Many headwaters of the…

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Many headwaters of the expanded/added URVs designated in ERO# 019-6217 were already protected under the Greenbelt. The total lands (acres) to be added may be “greater than or equal to the area of the lands proposed for removal” but this does not account for the total environment benefits or ecosystem services that the land provides. For example, removal of a wetland is more costly to the environment than the benefits of expanding a URV with protected headwaters. I believe it is the obligation of the Government of Ontario to justify a “land swap” based on ecosystem services and not simply total land mass.

Additional concerns relating to ERO# 019-6216, ERO# 019-6217, and ERO# 019-3136
– cancel the destruction of the Duffins Creek Wetland
– restore the power of Conservation Authorities
– cancel Hwy 413 that paves over 400 acres of Greenbelt and 2000 acres of farmland
– bring back proper environmental assessments
– restore municipal regulation of below water table aggregate extraction