I am _appalled_ by these…

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I am _appalled_ by these proposed changes to the Greenbelt.

Opening up any part of the Greenbelt for development is a terrible idea, and it's absolutely unnecessary for building more housing. The way to solve the shortage of affordable housing is by building up areas that are already available for development -- NOT in the Greenbelt, but close to existing infrastructure. Building on Greenbelt areas will only lead to uncontrolled sprawl, cost municipalities and taxpayers enormous amounts of money, but will not make housing more affordable for Ontario residents.

Chipping away at any part the protected Greenbelt will set a dangerous precedent and lead to the wanton destruction of environmentally sensitive areas and wildlife habitats that are already under so much pressure. You can't simply add a wetland elsewhere, or replace prime farmland.

In the process, housing development in the Greenbelt would actually make the areas less livable for everyone, with immediate negative impacts on the region's supply of clean drinking water and locally grown food, as well as greater susceptibility to environmental disasters such as flooding.

The Greenbelt was established for a reason, and the Ford government has pledged to leave it alone. The same goes for the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve. Greenbelt borders should not be subject to the whims of developers' greed.

"Protected" means "protected." Don't touch the Greenbelt!