There should be no changes…

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There should be no changes to the existing Greenbelt which protects essential agricultural land. Recent events have shown the need for us to produce our own goods, especially food, to be self-sufficient in time of crisis. There is very little good agricultural land in Canada and it should all be preserved. This is especially true in the Niagara peninsula where soil and climate combine to make possible the growing of tender fruit such as peaches. Other land can not be substituted for this special crop. My family has been farming in this area for over 100 years so I know what I'm talking about.
Doug Ford has said many times that he would not touch the Greenbelt. Voters would not have supported him in the last election if they knew he was going to go back on this promise.
Taking land out of the Greenbelt will only reward the developers who have been buying up land there, hoping or even expecting that the Doug Ford government would reward their speculation. There is no guarantee that these businessmen will build affordable housing on this irreplaceable land, but it will never again be available for food production or wildlife habitat.
The only change that should ever be made to the Greenbelt boundaries is to extend them to include more territory.