Hi, I am a grade 7 student…

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Hi, I am a grade 7 student in Toronto and I don’t think Doug Ford should take land from the greenbelt. Although I agree with Doug Ford's statement that we could use 50,000 new homes, the way that Doug Ford explained, he would take land and replace it in different parts. That means that it wont all be connected. If he does this it defeats most of the purpose of having the greenbelt because the greenbelt is meant to be connected. If Doug Ford puts housing on the land, it will ruin some farms that families rely on to make money to support their families with. Some people say that the reason Doug Ford wants to get rid of the greenbelt is to make more money. If he builds apartments and buildings on the land, he can make a lot of money from that. If this is true, I don’t know if I can trust Doug Ford. Doug Ford promised that he would never touch this land, but now I’m confused as I hear these debates.