Illogical and poor for the…

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Illogical and poor for the environment. It is a disservice to this province to build on such rich and lush fertile land. The issue is not we need more houses it is that the houses being built aren’t affordable and are being taken by foreign buyers BECAUSE AVERAGE CANADIANS CANNOT BUY THEM. Expanding into the green belt is illogical, no housing affordable to the average Ontarian will be built. If you want to propose a real change do something about the housing market, analyze why the prices are why they are now. No family homes were purchased last month in Toronto because nobody can afford them. Fix the market not add to it and take away vital land that supports the local Ontario economy for scummy real estate conglomerates who are the only ones this helps. Moreover, most of the proposed land to be added is already protected by different laws, it is a farce and the Ford government knows it. It is disgraceful that this is the fix the government has come up with. You should be ashamed to call yourselves our government and most of all ashamed to be called Canadian.