I cannot understand why the…

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I cannot understand why the province is going ahead with bill, when, according to its own Housing Affordability Task Force there is no shortage of land within existing municipal boundaries.
By taking away the oversight power of conservation authorities the province has effectively given the green light to developers and speculators to slash and burn whatever they wish within the Greenbelt. Does anyone seriously think the province will say no if developers clamour for more greenbelt land, beyond the 7400 acres already granted to them?
The wetlands, natural resources, and wildlife of the Greenbelt are unique and irreplaceable; you cannot destroy it and expect it to be recreated in a land swap or "offset". Is it any surprise that no conservation group supports this offsetting policy?
Climate change is real and affects us all. Why are you opening up the Greenbelt for destruction when we should be preserving as much green space as possible for future generations, a valuable carbon sink to offset fossil fuel future emissions?
If this bill is so important, then why didn't the province put it to the voters before the last provincial election? The answer is that the province knows from previous experience that Ontarians understand the importance of protecting our environment and would never have stood for it.
Do not let the bulldozers move in; once it's gone, it's gone forever. Do not sacrifice a natural birthright just to make a handful of people even wealthier than they already are. Future generations will curse us for our short-sightedness and stupidity.