The Greenbelt protection…

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The Greenbelt protection should have remained permanent like it was intended.
Doug Ford has been recorded letting the public witness just what a liar he truly is.
One tape heard on the radio he was even bragging that the Conservative Party unlike others they listen to the public and therefore he and his party heard loud and clear from the public that there was no need to worry the Greenbelt was not going to be touched. What kind of leader outwardly lies to the public like that. Doug Ford should be fired from his position along with his underlings like Sam Oosterhoff in Niagara who follows him unconditionally is not what he is suppose to be representing for his taxpayers and Donna Skelly in Hamilton same as Sam and any other like minded Conservative.
Housing crisis we need small affordable houses built on land within city limits, Within Canadian town and cities there are many older buildings that sit vacant and can be sensibly renovated into new affordable homes. Bonus it cleans up the areas as well.
Developers are greed orientated and they want Greenbelt land because they can simply hit that virgin soil and start building and in the meantime they are too lazy and greedy to demolish old buildings and rebuild into small livable homes.
How we know all these so called immigrants coming in within 10 years will choose to live in Ford,s Greenbelt does the man have a crystal ball I think not it is rather brainwashing a public.
Farmers I have talked to say the craving out of the Greenbelt will stop farming because they need
a certain amount of land to make crops and their lively hood sustainable. Doug Ford and crew need to sit down with farmers and for once learn from these precious people who put food on our tables.
Destroying the Greenbelt is unbelievable and stupid. Climate change is here and do politicians not realize the workings of the Greenbelt is God sent to save us stupid people but Oh No the almighty dollar for a chosen few overrides that.
Have we not been through enough with COVID that Ford can show such utter disrespect to Canadians and how he is pushing through his bills is undemocratic. When is it the Canadian way that we are not allowed to public speak out and even disagree.Daily stories are coming out to show that Ford and his developers have been planning this take over of the Greenbelt for sometime and will be filling their pockets over and over. It is not right. They are destroying Canada and literally killing people in the end besides leaving future generation nothing. Ford needs to be turfed now because in three years he can do untold damage. Please the politicians have let us down on this please set it straight.
Thank you for this important opportunity to speak out and I am putting my faith in your hands.