What this bill seems to…


What this bill seems to propose is simply building ANY home faster at any cost, regardless of affordability, quality, environmental ramifications, and at the expense of municipalities. What is the point of building more homes in this manner?

We are in 2022, the midst of climate crisis. Regardless of the PC government's wishful and ignorant view on the climate crisis, we need to act quickly and boldly to protect and restore the environment, not destroy it. The provincial government did acknowledge that essentially nullifying the municipal green standards was not their intent with this Bill, but the fact that they didn't realize this until now is quite telling in and of itself. Environmental considerations were not at the forefront of this government's policy making.

There are so many things wrong with the bill as many experts in the industry (architects, landscape architects, urban planners/designers, municipalities) have pointed out and voiced their concerns via open letters opposing this bill. Ontario needs more homes - this is an undeniable. But we should build more in a responsible way, certainly not like how it's laid out in Bill 23.