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The planners, legislators, analysts and solicitors who wrote these proposed amendments understand that upper tier municipalities (Regions) undertake the necessary LONG RANGE planning for infrastructure, watershed planning, strategic growth, employment areas and transit. Lire davantage

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I am urging the Province to permit new housing development on “existing vacant lots of record” where residential uses are permitted in settlement areas with full municipal water and sewage services. Lire davantage

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Older purpose-built rental housing is often the only affordable housing option for renters in Toronto. Demolishing or converting purpose-built rentals without bylaws in place to rehome previous tenants or replace affordable units will displace people from communities and cause homelessness. Lire davantage

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Dear Minister Clark , I oppose the language in Bill 23, the More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022, that will end the use of municipal green standards. Lire davantage

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I do NOT support the proposed changes to the Planning Act. They are a step backwards in land planning, democracy, and environmental protections. Lire davantage

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I wanted to start by applauding and thanking the Province of Ontario for this proposed bill. All of these changes will expedite housing. The biggest and in my opinion the most impactful change will be removing regional planning. Lire davantage

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It is very disappointing to think that our conservation authorities will lose the power and control of Ontario’s valuable resource lands. Developers are interested only in lining their pockets and our wetlands, forests and beaches are going to be lost forever. Lire davantage

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Ford's new More Homes Built Faster & the City of Toronto's Act Changes of schedules 9 & 1 of Bill 23 poses dire consequences for both urban and rural areas not just on an environmental level but on many levels. I will focus on the environmental consequences these changes will pose. Lire davantage

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These changes do not address the need for additional residential units in agricultural/rural areas. They only provide for policies respecting urban residential land. Lire davantage

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In the noted Addressing the Missing Middle, it states that: "The proposed changes would supersede local official plans and zoning to automatically apply province-wide to any parcel of land where residential uses are permitted in settlement areas with full municipal water and sewage services (except Lire davantage

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I strongly support the proposals about additional units, stopping appeals and site plan. These city councils should not have so much power to dictate our lives and what we want to do with our property.

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Ontario’s housing shortage has been an escalating problem for provincial leaders. Despite Bill 23 being a bold measure ensuring effective change in the shortest amount of time, I know it doesn’t reflect the desire of the average Ontarian. Lire davantage

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Slashing protections for vital ecosystems is not the way to solve the housing crisis. Destroying wetlands will cause catastrophic flooding, loss of critical biodiversity, and contribute to negative climate change. Lire davantage

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Stop. This is shameful and not thinking about future generations or climate change. This is dangerous, heavy-handed legislation that empowers aggregates, infrastructure projects, and developers while removing due process for much needed restriction that protect water and the environment. Lire davantage

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This is a complete and utter disgrace There are plenty of opportunities to develop housing within existing boundaries rather than paving the greenbelt, wetlands and flood plains. Doug Ford himself said in 2018 that he would not touch the greenbelt. Lire davantage

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While housing is important, it is very worrisome that this bill is ignoring any environmental and social impacts that may result. The goal of improving housing should not just focus on the brute number of houses built, but strive to build a more affordable, environmental friendly and livable city. Lire davantage

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While we do have a housing shortage, it is not necessary to trample all over the rights of the people of Ontario to protest a development which will diminish their quality of life, nor to prevent our Conservation Authorities to protect the environment to achieve this goal. Lire davantage

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To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to express Gay Lea Foods Co-operative Limited's fundamental concern about the proposed provincial Bill 23. Lire davantage