I disagree with the proposal…

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I disagree with the proposal to remove existing land from the Greenbelt and swap it for another parcel of land in a different location. The Greenbelt has been set up to be permanent and interconnected with vital wetlands and watersheds, sensitive forests and prime farmland but not open to development, even due to the housing crisis. Opening up for housing would encourage urban sprawl which would mean more service, transportation and social service costs. We already have 350 sq. kilometers of land ready to be developed around Toronto not including any infilling within the city itself. Seventy-five percent of wetlands in Ontario have already been lost. By changing the definition of what a wetland is (see Bill 23) you further endanger an incredible ecosystem which controls flooding, landslides and fosters biodiversity. For the importance of biodiversity check out the U.N. Biodiversity Conference in Montreal or the Wild Species 2020 Report-where 1 in 5 wild species in Canada, Ontario being one of three provinces with the greatest to lose, face some risk of elimination. Also important is to protect vital and deteriorating watersheds. To remove powers that allow Conservation Authorities to do this does not make sense in light of how important watersheds, along with wetlands as previously mentioned, are to protecting people and property from flooding and other natural hazards. Also at stake is their ability to conserve natural resources for economic, social and environmental benefits. As for prime agricultural farmland being used for development, with food insecurity an ever increasing threat, that is unacceptable. This government's own Housing Affordability Task Force concluded that a shortage of land has not caused the current housing crisis and more specifically they said "Greenbelts and other environmentally sensitive areas must be protected." Your own Task Force negates the need to open up the Greenbelt for development thus no need to irreversibly alter such an irreplaceable asset through a land swap.

Thank you for your time.