I'm a lifelong citizen,…

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I'm a lifelong citizen, resident, and business owner in Ontario. I feel a strong need to express my disapproval of the proposed changes to the greenbelt. These changes are dangerous to Ontario, its people, and its economy.

The proposed changes to the greenbelt will have massive long-term effects, economically, ecologically, and socially. Removing any of the protected greenbelts crosses a well-established line that should be considered sacred.

The stated goal of the government to 'fix the critical housing shortage' will not be fixed by developing this section of land. That is simply false, and the style of housing that will be developed will damage the quality of life and economic prosperity of people in the region and along the proposed 413 corridor. The government has suggested a remedy that is entirely detached from the actual issues with Ontario housing. This is either the result of extreme incompetence, or a government serving campaign backers instead of its population. Any action taken regarding the greenbelt on the justification of 'economic improvement' or 'increasing housing supply is unjustified and must be prevented.

The immediate damage to irreplaceable and essential ecosystems and wildlife is unacceptable when taken on its own. When considered in combination with the recent wind storms, wildfires, and extinction events in Ontario, Canada and North America removing any land protection amounts to social murder. The obvious result is that animals will die today, but it is also evident that people currently alive and the next generation will die in mass due to these actions. Removing greenbelt protection poisons all residents of Ontario.

On the attached map "Greenbelt Plan, Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, Addition, Re-designation, Removal Overview Map", most of the proposed removal sites, with property recently purchased by developers, are clearly shown to be in the region of headwaters that lead to the lake Ontario. Not only are these protections necessary for local ecology, but the location in the watershed means any impact could be massively increased to affect people and animals across most of Ontario. These protections must remain in place for the health and safety of every citizen.

The social impact of opening remote areas for potential development (if we are being realistic, development is effectively guaranteed) will not help our housing issues. Continuing our current model of development has been shown to hurt the Canadian way of life. These developments will most likely be single-family residential with massive webs of dept producing infrastructure or clusters of low-income high rises which will decrease the health of anyone involved in day-to-day living. Both options create more commuters which increases traffic, noise, pollution, debt, and international reliance on the auto industry. There is no outcome from dropping this greenbelt protection that improves the quality of life or social situation for any residents of Ontario.

Overall these changes are brutally short-sighted, counteracting the stated goals in every possible facet. If the government claims it wants to solve housing and empower municipalities, then don't do this.