Overdevelopment and…

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Overdevelopment and inappropriate development, including that on flood plains, led to major flooding and property damage in the 50's and 60's. We learned something from that, and we established science-based organisations to regulate human deveopment in key areas: Conservation Authorities. A wonderful, positive side effect has been the development of green, healthy corridors for people and wildlife, education programs, and healthier watersheds with natural flood control features. The alternative flood control features (dams) impede fish and wildlife movement, are costly to build and maintain (at public expense) are prone to failure and are less effective. As a taxpayer, I am happy to pay for the benefits Conservation Authorites provide by wisely controling watershed development. I am not happy to end up paying for the downstream effects of this politically motivated intiative to allow building in inappropriate areas.

Conservation Authorities have done their jobs well, so well in fact that we appear to have forgotten the dangers of letting developers run the show. As the effects of climate change continue to accelerate, we are neutering some of our best controls.

There are alternative strategies that will provide opportunities for the vaunted 1.5 million homes and the Government already has a report to this effect. Let's not go in completely in the wrong direction because it sounds easier and grandiose. Don't let politicians with their shallow grasp of reality chauffeur our collective bus over another cliff. It will not be the developers who pay for corrective measures. It will be the rest of us.

Deny this bill!