Increase distance to more…

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Increase distance to more than 30 meters to 100 meters for prohibited development.

I am requesting that you prioritize saving old growth native trees in Ontario and would not be allowed to cut them down if they are healthy and stable and pose no immediate risk to the public and property. Trees are important in water retention, overall ecosystem health and recreational enjoyment of green spaces.

It is important that the role of significant wetlands is considered in its intrinsic value to the people, property and health of all ontario water systems. wetlands need to be protected and be at a proper distance from development and infrastructure.

Allow the Conservation authorities to regulate permitting of risky activities including housing development which will clear cut the lands. do not allow the planning act to limit the role of the conservation authorities actions.

Land should be evaluated for its value some land is more valueable as recreation, conservation or of major public interest. these lands should not be de-valued by a development which will create more risk or costly future mitigation projects.

We have a major opportunity here to create public access and recreational trails and lands for the betterment off all Ontarians as well as flora and fauna at risk or thriving. I strongly believe the role of permitting and approvals should include how ecological corridors should be maintained and improved. one of the ways to reduce risk to people and property is to make scientific, educated decisions that consider the health and wellbeing of ecological systems, waterways and buffers between natural areas and development areas.
By maintaining and improving natural areas this is the best way to ensure best practices and allow wetlands and forests to be healthy which is the best way to mitigate risks. healthy wetlands ensures flooding does not occur or reduces risk. healthy forests ensure trees and storms are less severe. these are some of the important things to be considered.