Operational Changes 1.1 In…

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Operational Changes
1.1 In favour of using the digital code as an option. Although prefer to use hardcopy binder.
1.2 No concerns. It's a personal choice. Depends on what the candidate is comfortable using and uses on a daily basis.
1.3 No steps to take. It's a personal choice.

More Time Per Question
2.1 In favour of reducing the number of questions so long as they are not more difficult or time consuming.
2.2 Exam should be based on the OBOA training courses and not the syllabus.

Mandatory Training
3.1 The training would be beneficial. However, should not be mandatory. If the employer or municipality does not offer to pay for the training, this may be a burden on the candidate as the courses are costly.
3.2 if the employer or municipality does not offer to pay for the training, this may be a burden on the candidate as the courses are costly.

Alternative Ways To Entering The Sector
4.1 Past qualificiations/training and work experience should be taken into consideration.
4.2 CBCO officials should review candidates' past qualifications/training and work experience to determine exemptions.
4.3 OBOA's intership process requires applicants to provide their level of education and training completed along with work experience be provided.

Thank you.