Municipalities are never…


Municipalities are never consulted properly about development, while the province orders them to protect corridors for transportation and growth under the autocratic control of this Conservative provincial government. Why has this government gagged municipalities, the level of government closest to residents ... at the same time this government refuses to consult seriously with the public? This careless top-down approach by the provincial government will set Ontario back to the middle of the last century.

Residents are not properly consulted because this Conservative government is intent on paving most of Ontario to benefit its development cronies; however, residents as taxpayers will be expected to pay for this dismal backward march to the 1950s, inclusive of a new and ballooning population, all of whom will require healthcare, housing, education and other public services, including costly new infrastructure scaled to meet the size of the rapid cumulative population growth.

The province is throwing out the Provincially-Mapped Agricultural System, directing municipalities to designate a few specialty crop areas. What will be grown in these areas? According to this document, it will likely be highways, houses, and some grass. At this time of rampant climate change, Ontario has been fortunate to benefit from local agriculture, but this government's determination to pave over more farmland spells the end for sustainable and self-sufficient agricultural production. The first thing everyone needs is FOOD. Think about that. The prairie provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan are beset by increasingly hot weather, wildfires, and drought, thereby decreasing agricultural yields, while farmers in Manitoba are experiencing more severe spring flooding, Climate change is already thrashing Canada's farmlands. Farmlands need more protection, not more paving!

Speaking of climate change, what has the provincial government done recently for the homeowners from Barrie to Uxbridge to Ottawa whose homes have been pummeled by severe weather, including tornadoes. since 2021 and even earlier? You may remember the last severe storm hit Ontario at the end of May 2022, just before the provincial election. How many of those residents were able to vote while facing power outages and downed trees and powerlines?

The heading, Balance Housing with Resources, is comical coming from this government, but it is also a total insult to the thinking public. THERE IS NO BALANCE HERE. This Conservative government has no concept of balance. The Ford government has no other focus aside from housing. This government's downgrading of conservation authorities and the jettisoning of the CAs’ central role in watershed planning, indicate flooding and water pollution are NOT concerns for this Conservative government, while it continues to fly by the seat of its pants in the complete absence of any serious planning.

Stop listening to developers and start listening to citizens/taxpayers who pay the entire freight for this government’s colossal gravy train and free ride for developers.

I am completely disgusted with this undemocratic government.