We are residents of a…


We are residents of a property on Glenavy Ave, located directly in the shadow of 3 proposed 35 Story condo towers, in process of approval. We believe it is preposterous for the Provincial Government to arbitrarily usurp thoughtful municipal Plans, for building sites within our City. We residents elected the City Council to make such decisions. Such arbitrary decisions have occurred without satisfactory consultation with the City, certainly without their agreement. The City's Plan was to increase height from a current maximum of 8 stories to 20, for population intensification near "a someday" to be completed LRT. Until the Ontario Line is completed, gridlock will instead be created, not relief. This influx of population in the 3 towers, upon completion, will exceed the total population of the existing immediate community. In head count the condos' will become the community. There are overhead wire and aged "plumbing" dangers. This decision seems to suggest services and infrastructure exists to accommodate. This is untrue. Very limited parking, with lots of space for bicycles is better environmentally but inadequate availability of hard good shopping, school capacity, medical services etc., means everything will have to be delivered. Despite a laughable survey re traffic congestion, traffic/parking congestion will increase & there are no bike lanes. It will be dangerous. Greenery has been sacrificed without replacement, without setbacks. A huge shadow! There is NO evidence of responsible planning here!