There are many different…

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Municipality of Temagami

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There are many different opportunities that could result in energy production while also decreasing the effect of other GHG emission, especially those related to landfill gases. In the Municipality of Temagami, there is a former mine site that has high power lines, a transcanada highway and a railways close by. Especially given the advancements in reducing emissions in the incineration projects, this could be an example of moving to the next generation of waste management by generating electricity from the waste rather than burying it. With the rail, refuse could easily be transported from larger centres in the south in a relatively eco-friendly way rather than relying on many transport truck to cart the waste out of the community.
Especially since there is already a great deal of provincial and quasi-provincial ownership for potential sites, this is something that could repurpose provincial brownfields while at the same time answering the electrical needs in Northeastern Ontario.
The Municipality of Temagami is keen to enter discussions on the cleanliness of emissions and how the process of incinerator construction and utilization could begin.

Thank You
Craig Davidson