A statement letter was…


A statement letter was posted by OFA and other farming groups not in favour of bill 97 because in your proposal you allow farms to severe off 3 lots and they say that will further degrade farm land. They do not represent the actual farmers. they get their funding from you and collect salaries and pensions. they do not farm and do the hard work, they sit at desks. We want to severe 3 lots off our farm property. how do you think all these rural homes began? by severing off 1 acre lots. the nerve of these farm groups to make a statement that represents all farmers when they do not. take that in consideration. farmers are PC supporters and if you do something that helps them stay in bussiness or allows their family or farm help to live on the property or make money to stay in business then you will have a PC supporter for life.
there are over 40,000 farms between OFA and the Christian Farmers. that is way more than the 40 employees that work at OFA. OFA has made agreements with ECO land zealots that inhibit our way of farming. Natural heritage protection agreements that make farming secondary to tree protection. and now there are grumblings that maple syrup will not be allowed . this is some sick society we are living in. this is a war on land, not fought with guns like traditional wars but with maps and bylaws, layers of mapping red tape. this is an assault on private property by expropriation of farming rights. This is what you are up against. Left wing zealots that did not pay for our farm but have the nerve to tell us we are restricting you. Dismantle these Regions and bring it down to grass roots cities where they know who their farmers are.