Please consider the…


Please consider the following comments to be considered for the proposed updated PPS:

1. There is an apparent and exorbitant use of the word 'housing' in the Vision section (pg. 4) of the proposed PPS. The PPS provides provincial planning direction and guidance on more than just housing (e.g. natural environment, natural resources, agriculture, infrastructure, public health, etc.), and should not just reflect the single-minded objective (i.e. build more homes) of the current Ford government.

2. In the second paragraph of the Vision section, it states "More than anything, a prosperous Ontario will see the building of more homes for all Ontarians." This is an erroneous overstatement. Building more homes, particularly as the current Ford government is proposing, is not and will not be the dominant factor contributing to the prosperity of Ontario.

3. Regarding heading title for Chapter 2 . Replace "Homes" with 'and' or change title to 'Resilient, Sustainable and Prosperous Communities'.

4. Section 3.7 - Waste Management. Need to incorporate 'reduction, reuse and recycling objectives.' from 2020 PPS.

5. Heading title for Chapter 4 reads "Wise Use and Management of Resources". Natural Heritage falls within this section. Natural heritage features (e.g. rare and sensitive species, wildlife habitat, wetlands, aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, etc.) should not be treated or grouped in the same category as 'resources', which is a term traditionally used to describe things that serve a direct purpose for human consumption or development. Consider re-wording the section title, such as, 'Protecting the Environment and Wise Use of Resources' OR create a new section for Natural Heritage.

6. Section 4.1 - Natural Heritage. This section is omitted as it is under review by the current government. However, natural Heritage policies are inter-related to other policies within the PPS, and therefore, any proposed changes to natural heritage policies should have been made available in this proposed PPS document so that it could be reviewed in it's entirety and for consistency. This is a major oversight on the part of the current government. With that being said, at the very least, the review period for this proposed PPS should at least remain open until the Province has concluded its decision on any changes to the PPS natural herbage policies OR at least allow comments on any natural heritage policy changes to be incorporated into the proposed PPS before the document is finalized.