I support farmers and the…


I support farmers and the Ontario Federation of Farmers to reject Bill 97. I support environmentalists who reject Bill 97’s erosion of Greenbelt and Conservation lands protection. The government is right to think about this issue. Ontario’s population will grow with immigration in the centuries ahead. Development pressures can be met by increasing residential density in existing urban centres. Dense compact cities are cheaper to run and easier to live in. A quick look at downtown Toronto shows Smart Development companies, of which there are hundreds, have been very successful and profitable building vertically rather than horizontally. Developers who only know how to build Sprawling Single Family dwellings onto farmland need to change and adapt because Ontario’s Farmland is limited by latitude, soil and growing conditions.

Farmers feed everyone. Farmers and rural communities vote. Farmers are environmental stewards. Farmers deserve more respect.

Politicians at Queens Park and across Ontario who support Bill 97 are short sighted. Smarten up or you will be voted out! I also support changing Ontario Political campaign finance and public reporting regulations to increase transparency by registering and publishing the names of all candidates and Ontario developers benefiting from sprawl prior to voting day in elections. In our democracy, Individual voters need to be restored as top influencers, not lobbyists and campaign contributors.