NO NO NO! Canada may need…


NO NO NO! Canada may need more housing (for low and middle-income families), but it needs its farmland more. Without it more and more of our food becomes imported. We then become dependent on countries who recognize the value of food production. Control the food supply and you control a people. The countries who can supply us the cheapest food don't care about food quality or soil sustainability, or even about paying their farmers a living wage. Canada should be feeding the world -- but instead we can hardly feed ourselves, if you judge by the imports we are already putting on our shelves.
I am not so naive to think that a homeowner living next to a farmer will accept the inconvenience: dust; noise; noxious smells; spray drift; mud splattered, tire worn roads -- it's all part of the agricultural reality, but NEVER for the suburbanite. The 'city slickers' have the time to complain and pressure the farmer to defend his operation, thus doing serious harm to a dangerous, high-stress, risky business so critical to the wellbeing of all Canadians. The farmer always loses.
With the threat of starvation during WWII, European nations recognized the importance of protecting their farmers, and continue to do so with legislation. Canadians, never having been threatened by an invading army, have no such respect for the bounty they take for granted. WAKE UP!! If you don't want your children and grandchildren to know the threat of starvation, we need to protect the rights of the people who feed us today. Once land has been "converted" from agricultural to residential, it can never be reclaimed. Are we so narrow-minded? Really? Take the business away from farmers and give it to developers because they're more important? Really? Whatever happened to intelligent thinking?