Regarding ERO # 019-6813…


Regarding ERO # 019-6813

This is one of the worst that this government has come up with yet! Ontario needs the farmland we now have to produce the food we eat. As a Senior, I have seen over the years the different Governments of this province either close down or allow foreign companies to buy and close our farms or food production companies. If the Government of the day continues on this path, the citizens of Ontario will have to get all their food from out of province, increasing the cost of food. And, like the Pandemic showed, the supply of food will be hampered by transportation problems resulting in lack of food and higher prices. People in this province are already paying too much for food.
Yes there is a need for housing, but taking farm land is not the answer. Why do we need huge homes on huge lots? Smaller homes on smaller lots will house more people. And build them on infill lots in cities, towns and villages that are available now. And there should be more smaller one-floor homes for we seniors who want to downsize. That would free up two-floor homes for families.
To the legislators who come up with these proposals, get out of your large homes in big cities and live for a year in rural communities and see how the rest of us live.
Thank you.