Bill 97 is one of the best…


Bill 97 is one of the best possible things that could have happened for ontario’s small family farmers.
This initiative will not only allow small farmers to sever and build homes for their families for multigenerational farming but also offers the potential for a much needed influx of operating capital, which will allow those of us with small farms to continue to operate for at least another generation.
Dont listen to the naysayers. Large corporate farms and the farm organizations whose boards are filled with puppets for the corporations only oppose this Bill because it means less small farmers will be forced to sell their families livelihoods to the corporate giants at depressed prices to continue their takeover of our agricultural sector.
Please whatever you do, do not allow their self serving pressure to stop this amazing initiative.
As well please make sure that the bill requires municipalities to follow it without compromise.
That is already an issue here in Norfolk. The region has made it nearly impossible to obtain surplus farm severances in direct contravention of the act. There opinion is that they know this and dont care. If you want to challenge it you can pay tens of thousands to go before the olt. Council has already made internal comments that they will find someway to deny bill 97 by policy loopholes.
Thank you for your time.