As a worried Canadian, I am…


As a worried Canadian, I am disheartened to learn that this policy has been put forward. Farmers are the heart and soul of food for all Canadians. The thought that farmland is being considered to be used for building houses is unthinkable. We need our farmers to continue to own their farmlands without restrictions. The next thing we will hear is that we have no farmland left because of this and farmers are out of business! What happens now? Have some respect for our country!

The government is already taking down trees in prime areas of Canada to proceed with construction projects! We need to preserve the forests and wetlands so that people can survive and our ecosystem remain stable. If these projects continue, we are smothering the earth of all the good it does for everyone.

I totally disagree with the government on these issues! It seems so clear that “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer” in this country. Wake up!