Hello, I don’t understand…


I don’t understand why the government is so bent on building over farmland. We need this land to grow food to feed people. The government has this idea of being able to feed the population on food they grow in labs so they can control the population and have us dependent on them for everything.
This is shameful that they continue to allow people into this country. We don’t need more people here if we can’t house them without taking valuable farmland from honest hardworking farmers.
Instead of building over valuable farmland that is being used to feed us, build more high rises in the cities.
The government needs to think and care for the people that are here now and forget about trying to get more votes by just welcoming more people from other country’s. Especially people that bring nothing to offer Canada when they come.
Immigrants used to have to bring something to offer Canada such as skills and a willingness to make this country better, not hold their hands out for welfare cheques , free healthcare, free homes etc.
It would seem that there is no more room for the people that are already here so why burden us Canadians with less farms to grow food?
How much more damage to the environment are we going to allow? All this talk of climate change is a result of urban sprawl.
Thank you.