The proposed changes would…


The proposed changes would be a complete disaster for agriculture in Ontario. I live in Wellington County, one of the most productive farming regions in the world, and the last thing we need are severed farmlands, allowing developers to raise land prices, affect current farming practices, and take the most valuable agricultural land out of production. With dramatic climate changes all around us and disruptions of the supply change very much in evidence during the pandemic and because of the present geopolitical turmoil, we need to ensure that our farmlands are protected, for once gone, they'll be gone forever, leaving future generations with food insecurities and degradation of the environment, including air and water quality. The proposed changes show a shocking inability by Queen's Park to understand how important agriculture is to this province. These MPPs need to get out of the GTA, which in itself once contained the most prime farmland in Canada, and see the destruction that would result from the proposed planning policies.