I strongly object to the…


I strongly object to the proposed changes to the Provincial Planning Policy wrt Ontario's prime farmland. Much of it is Class 1 farmland and needs to be used to grow food for people and animals. Once it is broken up into smaller parcels for expensive exclusive rural housing and/or roads, it will be impossible to reclaim it. We need it and we need to protect it.
Fragmenting farmland will not improve Ontario current crisis in affordable housing.
I live in a small hamlet and grew up on a farm so I understand the inherent problems of decimating rural communities. We want to eat our locally grown food, not be dependent on bringing it in long distances.

I support the farming organizations opposed to Bill 97: the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA), the Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario (CFFO), and the National Farmers Union – Ontario (NFU-O), along with numerous commodity and agricultural organizations are united in their opposition to Bill 97 and the Proposed Provincial Planning Statement.