"Provide flexibility for…


"Provide flexibility for municipalities to allow for more residential development in rural settlements and multi-lot residential development on rural lands, including more servicing flexibility (e.g., leveraging capacity in the private sector servicing
Require municipalities to permit more housing on farms, including residential lot creation subject to criteria, additional residential units and housing for farm workers"

I live in beautiful, rural, PERTH county. The urban building sprawl currently swallowing up our farmlands is outrageous, ugly and heinous. HUGE homes, that no one can afford, are parked on fertile lands that up until last year grew the food that fed our families. How does your government plan to address the destructions of thousands of acres of farmlands that this bill intends? Our food supplies come from these lands. You understand that, right? You do buy food, no? Why can't the designers and planners understand the importance our environment has on our own survival? Your plan says you are working along side of the environmental end of things. But, paving over fertile farmland and draining swamps is NOT working along side of anything other than making contractors and developers and private investors wealthy. These lands belong to all people of Ontario. These lands belong to me, and to my family, and to the thousands of others who live in Ontario. These lands are not the Sole Property of the Conservative Government of Ontario. These lands are NOT yours to do with as you wish. How be your party start looking at reclaiming all destroyed and barren lands in the province, and plan how to best make these soils live again? THAT is working along side the environment, that is land that can be used for those who want palatial homes in an insane economy. I demand to be kept informed of your actions. Thank you.