Increase housing density…


Increase housing density within city limits. Change the zoning from single family homes to allow multi-family homes, granny flats, low and mid-rise apartments throughout the city. Affordability is needed with both housing and transportation. You can't have one without the other. This can be accomplished by creating well-designed neighbourhoods where people don't need cars. Building more houses in rural areas is the exact opposite of where we need to be going. People are barely scraping by, and to build houses that are not within walking distance of basic necessities is totally wasteful and unaffordable.

It is also wasteful to destroy some of the best farmland we have. If you are increasing the population, obviously you are going to need more food, but there are limits to production increases. Putting urban people in rural areas where they are not used to the unpleasant smells associated with food production will only lead to complaints from both sides.