We are farmers and for the…


We are farmers and for the longest time the Liberal government stole our pensions buy not allowing older farmers to sell off a few lots so they could retire with the dignity and respect they have earned by providing for society.

We fully support and recommend that lots are able to be severed from the farm. And recommend in the G.T.A that an additional 2 lots be granted to support farmers incomes in this particular area bringing the total lots allowable to 5 lots. We also want as a right that farmers will be allowed to add housing onto there lands cause there children predominantly in the G.T.A cannot afford to farm and buy lands of there own therefore having to sell out and leave cause the lack of rural housing options and opportunities due to cost. WE also strongly recommend that In the GTA that on farm diversified business should be as a right cause there is not consistency with policy and varies from local municipality and region if you want to keep farmers in the GTA you must ad this as a right. Furthermore the lack of Employment land area in The Halton region specifically in Halton Hills is Scarce yes you did amend some more land set aside in your new Bill for it but I recommend that more be added if the population of Halton region is going to double and Mississauga, Oakville and Brampton have exhausted there supply then I believe more needs to be added in Halton Hills near between the town of Georgetown and the 401 infill must be done we need more jobs and opportunities for people already in the community and for the ones that are coming in the future. Thanks a ton.