The Town of Arnprior has…

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Identifiant (ID) du commentaire


Commentaire fait au nom

Town of Arnprior

Statut du commentaire


The Town of Arnprior has concerns regarding 3 issues:

1. Changes to the employment land definition and requirements for conversion to non-residential lands
2. The greater role given to Ministers zoning Orders
3. Rapid implementation

The Town of Arnprior is concerned that proposed changes to the definition of employment lands that now excludes lands that permit commercial uses and the loosening of requirements for conversion of employment lands to non-employment uses, such as residential, will result in the loss of the limited remaining vacant employment/commercial land within the Town of Arnprior. The Town of Arnprior as a lower tier municipality is limited by the boundaries of the municipality and does not have the option of expanding village boundaries in future if additional vacant commercial land is needed. There is already extreme pressure to convert mixed-use commercial employment lands to residential uses, however, previously these lands could be protected from conversion to ensure sufficient land was available for expected future commercial needs. The new definition of employment land would result in the loss of these lands to residential uses, despite a 2021 growth forecast which indicated a surplus of vacant residential land available for development with the Town and an identified need for these commercial lands in the 2021 growth forecast.

The expanded role of Ministers zoning orders is of concern in that it allows the Minister to issue orders and make regulations that were previously solely directed by municipalities. The Town of Arnprior is concerned as Planning decisions and policies at the local level are developed and implemented within the local context. Official Plans intend to incorporate provincial policies but also to reflect that local context and the vision communities have for their future growth. Further expanding the role of the Minister ignores this local context and the work that has gone into incorporating provincial policies while developing places that reflect community values.

The Town of Arnprior proposes that once passed there is a delay in implementation to allow municipalities sufficient time to propose and approve Official Plan amendments and zoning by-law amendments to reflect the policy changes approved.