The government should remove…


The government should remove its plan to build more housing and other infrastructure on the Greenbelt. This plan is destroying our natural world as we know it, devaluing our communities and having disastrous effects on our ecosystems and mental health. Without easy access to nature, the human species cannot thrive. It is our duty to protect the environment, not destroy it.

If the government is intent on building houses, it should be building them in smaller cities away from the GTA, which is already an incredibly dense population hub. Our GTA cities’ infrastructures are not built to withstand the influx of cars and traffic is irritatingly unavoidable. We need to build jobs and homes in regions outside outside of the GTA in order to attract families to them.

To relieve the stresses currently placed on our communities, the government needs to place caps on classrooms sizes according to the age of students. This will increase jobs across the province for teachers, administrators, educational assistants, and facilities workers in schools, etc., while giving students and families the resources they need to overcome learning gaps from the pandemic. As well, smaller classrooms is smart planning for any future outbreaks, where we would have more manageable numbers of staff and students in the same room. This would make new neighbourhoods more attractive to families as they would enjoy new school facilities with perks we can build in such as daycares, sports facilities, and arts facilities. Schools can once again be the hub of a community and attract families to build up sparser regions of the province.