There is simply no need for…


There is simply no need for proposed policy changes which would:

- Eliminate mandatory intensification and greenfield density targets that were designed to rein in urban sprawl;

- Allow municipalities to expand settlement areas at any time without a comprehensive review of infrastructure needs or potential impacts on farmland and natural areas;

- Force municipalities to allow three lots to be severed from every farm, even in prime agricultural areas;

- Exempt lands that are the subject of Minister's Zoning Orders (MZOs) from complying with provincial policies and official plans;

- Remove the requirement for municipalities to undertake watershed planning; and

- Weaken and eliminate policies intended to address climate change.

Ontario is losing farmland at the shocking rate of 319 acres per day. The proposed new policies will make matters much worse and spell disaster for the lands and waters that sustain us.

Sprawl development will not solve current housing needs, as your government pretends. I urge you to retain all PPS and Growth Plan policies that are designed to curb sprawl and protect farmland and natural areas.