This is a great policy. …


This is a great policy. This will not hinder farming but improve farming as kids will stay on farms and continue to farm. I currently live a distance from the farm and somewhat neglect the farm. By living there I can improve the farm and the land. You are giving farmers a choice. They do not have to server the farm land if they don’t want and they can continue as the current state. I have farm land and some areas I cannot get tractors in the area so I cannot farm it so this would be a great place to build a house. Disrupts nothing. Furthermore, I feel that if the land has city water rights then what is the harm in making 3 lots. Please reconsider your policy and allow the severances as I heard this policy may be thrown out. It is the only way farming will last and be sustainable. Consider all the stake holders not just a few. Once again please reconsider your policy and allow three severances on farm land especially if there is municipal water rights. It is time to move forward and not backwards. What upsets me is that farm land is being used to grow “weed”. How is that feeding our cities.