Dear government, I am a…


Dear government,

I am a young farmer, 5th generation on our family farm in Beeton trying to help my aging father with the operation which is very hard because of where my family and I have to live because of the housing crisis. I do not have the same opportunities as my father and his did to stay and take over the farm.

My situation is a bit unique. There is a lot on the farm when an old farmhouse once stood but it us burnt down. Because of the rules, I can technically build a house no problem but I am in no way able to sever the land which means it’s pretty much useless to our family. There is no other use for that land besides living on it, and as such it has been incredible frustrating for our family to see a lot like that go to waste because we can’t sever it and I can never own it.

I know there’s been push back on your proposals, and I get it, but please take into account the other rules in the current plan that are outdated and hurt farmers like myself who have a plot of land ready to go but can’t do anything with it. Its affecting the future of our family farm that’s been in our name for generations.