I wish to express my…


I wish to express my objection to making ANY changes to the existing Provincial Policy Statement. The current statement was developed with very carefully researched and developed policy that put the protection of people and the environment a top priority. Now, after reducing the ability of Conservation Authorities to manage flood plains, shorelines and unstable slopes, that safety net has been lost, strictly for political reasons. It is especially concerning considering the increasing effects of Climate Change. These proposed policy changes take us, as a species, in the WRONG DIRECTION. The changes to what IS a well balanced Provincial Policy Statement, continue to be based on a political decision NOT ON SCIENCE. I'm a lifetime Ontarian and VERY saddened to see these politically driven and not needed changes. They are GREED driven and disregard our need to protect what's left of our environment, especially as we see the horrifying effects of Climate Change, that WILL get worse.
Regarding the "A Place To Grow" plan. It is totally NOT NEEDED, it is a waste of the taxpayers dollars and will result in putting people at risk who will, regretfully, build in flood plains, too close to our Great Lakes shorelines and on unstable slopes at serious risk. It will destroy our much needed farmlands, allow property severances on farms that will created incompatible uses resulting in many conflicts. It will speared the destruction of wetlands and back up the very BAD decisions that watered down the well established Ontario Wetland Evaluation System. I know all of this development policy watering is not for the people of Ontario, it won't help the homeless, and will only cater to the rich. It is obvious by the lack of public consultation, First Nation consultation and the speed in which it is happening, is being done for ONLY political gains and to open doors for very rich (an party contributor) developers to continue to exploit our citizens. Please listen to the experts who are warning of the negative effects of this direction. Politicians should NOT be making decisions like this, leave it up to people in the know.
Please make the right decision and CANCAL these proposed political (NOT BASED ON SCIENCE) decisions. We need to return to democracy in Ontario. This is NOT the Ontario I grew up in, and the MANY negative exploits of the current Ontario government saddens me every day.
Thank you