My thoughts on the proposal…


My thoughts on the proposal are:

- do not remove any land from the Greenbelt, in fact, add more
- do not build Hwy 413 or the Bradford bypass, in fact, do something to make the 407 better utilized instead
- do not pave over anymore farmland in Ontario, there is very little of this precious commodity and we need it all to feed the people you are planning to come to the province
- give incentives to municipalities to build up, add density, and remediate and build on brownfields instead of spreading anymore
-let municipalities follow their own master plans re: development, do not force them to spread
- give Conservation Authorities back powers that you took away, we need them to help mitigate flooding (which is only going to get worse with climate change)
- do not force Conservation Authorities to sell land or turn any over for housing

Please do better for our environment.