I am writing to register my…


I am writing to register my opposition to the proposed Provincial Policy Statement, and to Bill 97.

We have more than enough land WITHIN existing municipal boundaries to address Ontario's housing needs. Our housing needs won't be met by sprawling subdivisions, unsupported by existing municipal services.

I support local planning. Densification. Walkable cities. Common sense. And as a Stratford resident, having experienced the heavy handedness of Minister Clark's use of MZOs, I strongly oppose any provisions to expand the minister's power to use MZOs to override local planning. Centralized, autocratic decision making that serves developers but not the local communities in need of affordable housing is an obscenity.

I should be in the gov't's corner. I've voted PC in the past. I'm a retired, white, male in a rural riding. But what you're proposing in Bill 97 and the PPS is wrong. Wrong for Ontario. Wrong for the future of my grandchildren. Wrong for our (near) future food security. I urge you to withdraw the PPS and Bill 97