While I understand the need…


While I understand the need for more housing I feel there is a greater need to preserve the agricultural land we have if we are to feed the increased population. It is my understanding from various sources that there is currently enough housing land available without cutting into additional agricultural land and the greenbelt. Using existing designated lands and higher density residences where feasible would go a long way, as would developing new communities in currently underserviced areas of little agricultural value. Why are new industries such as the Volkswagen battery plant on high quality farmland? Create the jobs and people will follow. As to the proposal for three severances on farms, I feel this will only lead to conflicts on land use and will be especially difficult for livestock farmers as well as limiting future options for existing farms. I can speak to this from experience. Perhaps allowing a retirement house of limited size to be built on a farm without a severance would be a better solution.
Municipalities should not be the ones to have the final say on "development." There is too much potential for conflict of interest.