It has been very saddening…


It has been very saddening to watch entire fields, thousands of acres of farmland, in my hometown dozed over for huge developments. A town where there is one hospital, not enough doctors, clinics, or schools. We are over crowded and our small country town is becoming a city. Gone is the safe feeling of everyone knowing everyone. While these developments are being built, seemingly without issue, long term residents are unable to purchase or build a house in their own neighbourhood. How is it fair that people can move here from all over, but the people that have lived here, worked here, farmed here, for generations can’t keep their families close? They haven’t been able to build a home for their elderly parents, for their children and grandchildren. All the while watching what was once their quiet country town become the exact place they never wanted…a big city.
Farmers should be allowed to build a second house for their families. Not an in-law suite, a full house for the next generation to live. This should be easier to accomplish than a big development that changes a place so drastically. It should take priority over big developments.