As a farmer, with 33 acres…


As a farmer, with 33 acres of deemed prime agricultural land, we are in favour of allowing farmers to sever building lots for the purpose of providing residential land to immediate family members. Although farm associations like OFA oppose, we as members of OFA were never consulted.

Please note, our property consists of approximately 15 acres of workable land, with 5 acres planted with a vineyard and approximately 8 acres planted with hay by a local farmer for cattle feed. There remains approximately 2 acres of workable land for future vineyard expansion. The remaining 18 acres consist of tree lines, field and a wood lot.

As residents of Prince Edward County, we have been informed that the official plan will not allow us to sever residential building lots from prime agricultural land. Although the property was purchased in 2009 as a vacant lot, it has since been declared prime ag. We wish to sever 2 building lots along our wood lot on Greer Rd, where we currently have 2 residential neighbours on the other side of Greer Rd.

We have two sons and their families looking to own their own homes, rather than renting