As the owner of one of only…


As the owner of one of only two remaining undeveloped lots of record in the Greenbelt area of Scarborough (Toronto) I ask that any changes to the PPS, A Place to Grow and Greenbelt Plan maintain and support the ability to develop residential dwellings on such parcels of land without consideration of the status of zoning timing.

For illustration, the current Greenbelt Plan permits single dwellings on existing lots of record, provided they were zoned for such as of the date the Greenbelt Plan came into force, Section 4.5.2. I understand this is 2004. My existing lot of record was zoned in 2004 to permit a residential dwelling, in fact this was the case since the late 1960s.

In 2013, without direct notice to me, the City of Toronto rezoned our property to a Natural Zone which does not permit a residential dwelling. Basically the City downzoned my property.

I would ask that any changes to Provincial Planning documents be written in a way that does not inadvertently create a non-conformity situation based on the timing of coming into force of the new policy document.

As I am in the process of initiating development of my property, and helping to meet the Province's housing targets, I do not wish to have an issue with any changes to Provincial planning policy.