Its important to prioritize…


Its important to prioritize development while respecting the natural environment and agriculture. The 'balancing' of the various components of the PPS has lead to the housing crisis, prolonging expensive approval process and OLT disputes. It has also heightened special interest expectations without justification. Features created due to poor drainage or previous land uses or man made features are not considered 'natural' and this would be highlighted as permitted for development. The Conservation Authorities have now attempted to expand flood hazards with inaccurate modeling and no public processes to retain influence in adjacent lands...this is inappropriate. Agricultural severances should be permitted where there is no impact on MDS, are infill or are for severance of an existing home...there is no impacts to MDS as the dwelling exists. The issue of compensation for loss lands is an options where significant features are lost or reduce efficiency of land for development. Clear hierarchy towards residential or economic development is important to break the current stalemate associated with approvals.