I believe that the propsal…


I believe that the propsal too loosly allows for land, which has once been protected, to be used for building and other purposes. Laws regarding natural habitats, farm land, forrested areas and otherwise untouched land should, as much as possoble, remain that way. Urban and suburban areas should be built up with the utmost respect for the natural environment. Land previously developed upon, but no longer in use, should be reclaimed and built upon first for the aformentioned housing and business purposes, before agricultural, forest, protected or farm land is destroyed. The natural environment must always be protected first and foremost. Building on smaller lots, building up rather than out, should be preferential. Wildlife should be a major consideration when making any new developments, ensuring its protection and the protection of all natural habitats. Oil and gas industries should be phased out rather than protected, and no new land should be allotted for its use, no habitat or natural or protected areas destroyed for its advancement. Focus should be on renewable and regenerative energy sources which prioritize the environment. Farm land, fresh air, wild places are necessary and integral to the survival of all species on the planet, including humans, and this must be kept in mind at all times while making policies and changes to the environment in which we all live. Adaptive changes being made to cities, towns and living places which take into account the increasing heat and changes in the planet currently taking place are exciting notions which could have a place here and be adopted in the near future. Urban and suburban areas are much hotter than forested areas and tree lined streets are much more pleasant to be on. Lets make room in policy for such changes which would help everyone and the planet! What else can we do to make these areas more livable and better for the environment? What can we do to keep things cooler, which will not add to the problem? More natural spaces, more trees, more protection for animals. Natural resources such as fresh water need protecting. We cannot live without them. I understand the need for affordable housing, but I question whether these policies are addressing that, or are they favoring industry and "progress" over the environment?