You are literally killing…


You are literally killing any chance young people have at a future! 1000s are already dying and being displaced by floods and wildfires, biodiversity loss is at unprecedented levels, science is telling us humanity will not survive your greed and stupidity but yet you continue to make decisions only based on making you and your developer buddies richer. Incase you don't realize your children and their children are not immune to climate change either and when they look back and see your government could have done something differently and didn't, they will hate you. And don't tell me about your plan to develop the peat bogs of Northern Ontario to make electric batteries, the commercials aren't funny or cute, you are literally planning to mine the largest carbon sink on the planet and and want to pretend that's a "green" plan, it makes no sense. You are either stupid, crazy or just don't give a damn cause you're too damn greedy and sadly time and time again you've shown us it's the last one. Also trying to say this legislation is about housing is preposterous, your rich developer buddies bulldozing the Greenbelt to built mansions doesn't solve the housing crisis. If you cared about people in poverty accessing housing you wouldn't have cancelled the UBI pilot project as soon as you were elected, and you would use tools like rent control and building actually affordable housing on remediate brownfield sites, and allow more tiny homes in various municipalities. Anyways I have learned that filling these forms out does very little, that you have a political agenda that you plan to fulfill one way or the other and no matter how much you try to pretend your government is "for the people" that, that is a huge lie and you are just in it for yourselves. But maybe just maybe this response will reach one staffer that will have a conscience and rise up and revolt, because anyone with half a brain knows your government and this legislation aren't about anything other than your selves serving shortsighted plans while destroying the ecosystems that sustain life.